about us
Joseph and Sola have lived on three continents over the thirty-five years they've been married, and they've learned that the best way to develop a real love for people is to see the sights, smell the smells, and hear the sounds of their particular culture. To this end, they've loved traveling and visiting various countries, and have fully embraced the fact that it's the best education anyone can get. Simply put; they love people, and have come to see that, for the most part, and regardless of what part of the world they live in, we all share the same goals and desires...to live a meaningful life!
But they've learned that you can't truly love people from a distance. As a result they've chosen to continually immerse themselves in other cultures so that they can learn what makes them live life they way they do. In that process they've come to understand why people love the things they love, why they fear the things they fear, and what things they dream about. Because the Scriptures mandate that we "Go into all the world and preach the Good News," they have willingly and literally embraced the call to be "missionaries," and have chosen obedience to that call over personal preference. Primal Purpose is their heartfelt expression of their obedience to the call to reach the nations with the love of God, which is, after all, the overarching message of the Gospel.
The Aramaic Bible in Plain English renders Psalm 2:8 this way:
"Ask of me and I shall give you the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the Earth as your Empire." This reference, which some may interpret as combative, is a reference to overcoming spiritual battles that hinder God's Primal Purpose for people and nations. They believe it to the very core of who they are, and build the foundation of their calling on this Scripture.