Serve the less fortunate
The call to go and make disciples of all nations isn't a call to convenience or a life of ease. It's a call to self-sacrifice. It's a call to understand that we've been blessed with what we have, not just so we can use it on ourselves, but so we can give others less fortunate than us, a hand-up to make a better life for themselves and their families, no matter where in the world they live. Rich Stearns, in his book, The Hole In Our Gospel, asks, "Is our faith just about going to church, studying the Bible and avoiding the most serious sins-or does God expect more?
Have we embraced the whole gospel or a gospel with a hole in it?"

Fundraise Creatively
Here's what we know for certain: we can't do this alone. We need you and your circle of influence. What if every professing Christ follower donated $1 to the cause of eradicating hunger among those in our world classified as living in "extreme poverty," might we actually be able to eradicate hunger completely? While we may not be able to change the world, we can certainly tilt it in the right direction. So please give towards this worthy cause, but more than that, we invite you to use your circle of influence to creatively help us complete the projects we've been called to serve.