Many years ago while in conversation with a good friend of mine, he asked me a question that I wasn't at all prepared for. "What's your primal purpose?" he asked casually. A little uncertain about what he meant, and unwilling to show my ignorance (pride tends to do that), I asked what his primal purpose was so that I could at least garner from his response, how to answer the question. He chuckled, looked at me with a grin that said, "you have no idea what that means do you?" and casually changed the subject.
I've since found out that the word primal means, essential; fundamental; original. We're all created by a loving God for a primal purpose, and another friend of mine used to say, "The two most important days in your life are the day you were born, and the day you discovered why." Because I live my life by a strict code that acknowledges the Lordship of Jesus Christ over my life, I firmly believe that finding your fundamental, essential, and original purpose is key to living a meaningful life that adds value to our world.
That's why we called this ministry Primal Purpose. It's what I was born to do. Spend myself on the behalf of others. Invest in those who have so much to give, but so little with which to do it. So what if we all gave just a little from all that God has so graciously blessed us with? What might that do to change the story of someone you might never meet this side of heaven, but whom you are connected to because you lived out your primal purpose?
Let's find out the answer to those sobering questions together, by linking arms and serving "The least of these" by empowering them to walk in their primal purpose!